Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Bodyguard, a nice 80's teen diversion

My Bodyguard (1980)
Jamal's Rating: 3 stars
Netflix Average Rating: 3.6 stars

Film Geek, funny little gem that follows its character to the end

Film Geek (2005)
Jamal's Rating: 4 stars
Netflix Average Rating: 2.9 stars

World's Greatest Dad, not so great

World's Greatest Dad (2009)
Jamal's Rating: 2 stars
Netflix Average Rating: 2.9 stars

The Answer Man, a rich successful whiny old guy is hard to root for

The Answer Man (2009)
Jamal's Rating: 2 stars
Netflix Average Rating: 3.3 stars

The Big Bad Swim, indie dramedy with top-notch performances

The Big Bad Swim (2006)
Jamal's Rating: 5 stars
Netflix Average Rating: 3.0 stars

Cashback, lame name and disappointing movie

Cashback (2006)
Jamal's Rating: 1 star
Netflix Average Rating: 3.4 stars

Paper Moon, hilarious story set in a glorious 1930's

Paper Moon (1973)
Jamal's Rating: 5 stars
Netflix Average Rating: 3.8 stars