Saturday, August 21, 2010

Film Geek, funny little gem that follows its character to the end

Film Geek (2005)
Jamal's Rating: 4 stars
Netflix Average Rating: 2.9 stars

Here's one that really struck home for me. After working for four years at a Blockbuster, I knew guys who seemed to know every film in the store, but none were quite as weird as this kid, a video store clerk played by Melik Malkasian. It's not even that he's weird -- he simply has no life outside of the realm of cinema. He's not too smart, but has an encyclopedic knowledge of films, everything from Godard to Tarantino, and he chronicles his film tastes on a web site that looks like it was made in 1995. As in real life, there is no place for a true film lover in the popcorn world of blockbuster rentals, and he soon finds himself leaving all his coworkers who hated him anyway. From there he meets a cute, "cool" girl (Tyler Gannon) who introduces him to stuff like parties and marijuana. His wide-eyed reaction to being offered a hit is something you might expect from a twelve year old. Film Geek has a lightweight, homebrew indie feel, Melik is a hoot to watch, and the ending seems just right for a guy with his particular ambitions. My only bone: Was it really necessary to show so many scenes of Melik's bare ass as he stood masturbating at the sink?


  1. Some producers demand a minimum number of ass scenes in a movie, and the director is obligated to work them in, BY WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY.
